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leave me alone, I'm reading

January 2014
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Love Poems by Pablo Neruda
Only lovers can accept the pink coverAnd gold, curvy letteringAnd accept them as non-hyperbolic,As a necessity,As the color a...
Love Poems - Pablo Neruda
read and rated
December 2013
December 2013
reviewed: How NOT to RV
Cute, funny account of mistakes made while living in an RV. You might learn some basics, like always let the tanks fill up be...
How NOT to RV - Jennifer Flower
reviewed: The Bag Lady Papers: The Priceless Experience of Losing It All
I started off being appalled by this book. The author loses a bunch of money.....yet, she just cannot part with the accoutrem...
The Bag Lady Papers: The Priceless Experience of Losing It All - Alexandra Penney
November 2013
reviewed: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)
Harry Potter is like [b:Fifty Shades of Grey|10818853|Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)|E.L. James|https://d202m5krfqbp...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré
finished reading:
November 2013
reviewed: The Pillars of the Earth
I really enjoyed this book. I was fascinated by the details of life in the time period, and I loved the stories. The bad thin...
The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: Puppy Chow is Better Than Prozac: The True Story of a Man and the Dog Who Saved His Life
This is a very touching story about a dog saving his master from himself....except it was told in a much more self-aware and ...
Puppy Chow is Better Than Prozac: The True Story of a Man and the Dog Who Saved His Life - Bruce Goldstein
finished reading:
July 2013
reviewed: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago: St. Jean, Roncesvalles, Santiago
The path maps, terrain maps, and other essential information like distances and town names are excellent in this book. The li...
A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago: St. Jean * Roncesvalles * Santiago - John Brierley
finished reading:
June 2013
finished reading:
June 2013
finished reading:
started reading:
May 2013
reviewed: The Standard & Poor's Guide to Selecting Stocks: Finding the Winners & Weeding Out the Losers
Let me be clear: this book was NOT written by a writer.The writing is awkward, choppy, and patently unlyrical.But I'm giving ...
The Standard & Poor's Guide to Selecting Stocks: Finding the Winners and Weeding Out the Losers - Michael Kaye
finished reading:
May 2013
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: A Discovery of Witches: A Novel (All Souls Trilogy)
Yeah. Vampires doing yoga. Seriously, I don't have time for this shit.They need to post a picture of this book on a billboard...
A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness
finished reading:
April 2013
reviewed: Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint James
This was a quick, delightful read of a partial journey on the Camino de Santiago. The author and his girl walk from Paris to ...
Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint James - David Downie
reviewed: Rabbit, Run
Dangit, I was all ready to write a scathing review, full of loathing and disgust. I was actually looking forward to it - ther...
Rabbit, Run - John Updike
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading: